L.O.C. Method Moisture Kit - Hair Parfait

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Kit Includes:

Lemongrass Leave In Conditioner (New Packaging*-Not Pictured) 8oz, Moisture Rich Hair Parfait 8oz and Shine Crave Hair Glosser 2oz

Fixing dry hair requires a combination of inputting moisture and keeping it from escaping. The L.O.C. method does exactly that: it uses Lemongrass (Liquid) to impart moisture, the Shine Crave Hair Glosser (Oil) to keep it from escaping and finally the Moisture Rich Hair Parfait (Cream) to seal both the liquid and oil layer. The L.O.C. Method™ was created by Alikay Naturals Founder and CEO, Rochelle Graham-Campbell and is backed by scientific principles of organic chemistry.

Love your hair with The L.O.C. Method™ and your hair will LOVE YOU BACK!

Apply products in these steps after washing and conditioning your hair.

Step 1: Liquid= Lemongrass Leave In Conditioner

Step 2: Oil=Shine Crave Hair Glosser

Step 3: Cream= Moisture Rich Hair Parfait

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